


Quick description:

Eating one medium pear provides 12 percent of daily vitamin C needs, as well as 10 percent of vitamin K, 6 percent of potassium and smaller amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, and folate. Pears, especially those with red skin, also contain carotenoids, flavonols, and anthocyanins.


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    0 out of 5

    To ripen pears, put them in a brown paper bag with a ripe banana or apple, which give off a fruit-ripening chemical. Check on your pears frequently. When a pear’sflesh is soft at the end of the stem and its skin gives slightly when you press down, it’s ripe and ready to eat.if you are looking for a ripe pear to eat immediately, press a finger gently into the top of the pear just where the stem joins the fruit. If it just starts to give there, the fruit isripe. Don’t buy pears that are soft anywhere else, as that indicates that they are overripe and the flesh will be mushy and mealy


    0 out of 5
    Pear and rosemary syrup

    Add one cup of water and one cup sugar in a saucepan. Stir to combine. Add in two sprigs of rosemary and 2 pears chopped into quarters with cores removed. Gently heat through until all sugar is dissolved. Continue to heat until pears are soft.

    Anjou Pears

    0 out of 5

    One large apple contains approximately 116 calories, while a large pear contains 131 calories. These calories are essential for energy, and fruits like apples and pears provide a greater sense of fullness than a sugary snack because they also contain fiber.Fiber. Pears are rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber. …

    • Treating diverticulosis. Diverticulitis is when bulging sacs in the lining of the large intestine become infected or inflamed. …
    • Weight loss. …
    • Cardiovascular disease and cholesterol. …
    • Diabetes. …
    • Digestion. …
    • Detox. …
    • Fighting free radicals.

    forelle Pears

    0 out of 5

    Forelle pears are one of the smallest varieties of pears, a little larger than Seckelpears. … They are one of the few varieties of pears that DO change color as they ripen. The Forelle’s red freckling, called “lenticles,” remains brilliantly visible, while an underlying green skin turns bright yellow. Pears are a mild, sweet fruit with a fibrous center. They are rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber and pack all of these nutrients in a fat-free, cholesterol-free, 100-calorie package.