Autumn Gold

Autumn Gold


Quick description:

One orange provides a range of vitamins and minerals; a staggering 130 percent of your vitamin C needs for the day. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), eating higher amounts of a compound found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit may lower ischemic stroke risk for women.Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content which is a powerful antioxidant, helping protect our cells from damage. … Oranges are also a good source of fibre, B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium and potassium


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    Navelate Orange

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    According to Gonzalez-Sicilia, this Spanish variety originated as a limb sport in a Washington navel orchard planted in 1930 in the Vinaroz district of Castellón de la Plana Province. It was discovered in 1948 by D. Adrian Gil, nurseryman of Alcanar, Taragona Province, who propagated it in 1952 and released it in 1957.The orange is unknown in the wild state; is assumed to have originated in southern China, northeastern India, and perhaps southeastern Asia (formerly Indochina). It was carried to the Mediterranean area possibly by Italian traders after 1450 or by Portuguese navigators around 1500.


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    Health risks. Oranges are great for you, but you should enjoy them in moderation, Flores said. “Eating too many oranges has some uncomfortable side effects,” she said. “When [oranges are] eaten in excess, the greater fiber content can affect digestion, causing abdominal cramps, and could also lead to diarrhea.

    Benefits of eating oranges.

    • High in Vitamin C. …
    • Healthy immune system. …
    • Prevents skin damage. …
    • Keeps blood pressure under check. …
    • Lowers cholesterol. …
    • Controls blood sugar level. …
    • Lowers the risk of cancer.


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    Cambria is much harder than granite or marble, making it more durable. That meansCambria is less likely to scratch or chip for years of flawless performance. In addition, Cambria allows for longer countertop overhangs than granite or marble, which require supports beyond 10 inches.