Eureka Lemons

Eureka Lemons


Quick description:

Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C, soluble fiber, and plant compounds that give them a number of health benefits. … Not only are lemons a very healthy fruit, but they also have a distinct, pleasant taste and smell that make them a great addition to foods and drinks.As a rich source of vitamin C, lemon juice protects the body from Immune system deficiencies. Drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body. Along with vitamin C, lemons are also a rich source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium 


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    Improves digestion. Drinking lime water improves digestion. Limes are acidic and they help saliva break down food for better digestion. … And if you deal with frequent heartburn or acid reflux, drinking a glass of warm water with 2 teaspoons of lime juice about 30 minutes before meals may help prevent reflux symptoms.


    • Promotes consumption of water. …
    • Helps improve diet. …
    • May aid digestion. …
    • Reduces cancer chances. …
    • Improves skin quality. …
    • Promotes weight loss. …
    • Improves immune system. …
    • Reduces risk of heart disease.